How can the user in solaris check the status of processes?

Once the system interprets a command the system simply creates an independent process with a unique PID assigned to that process. To keep the track of each process the system uses the PID. In case the user wants to find out the processes that are currently running on the system the user can use the ps command.

The ps command on execution displays the:

- PID of the processess.

- The terminal from which a process was started

- The cpu time that the process has used so far.

The variable meanings:

- O : this implies that the process is running on a processor.

- S : This implies that the process is currently sleeping and waiting for an event to complete.

- R: This implies that the process is in the run queue.

- I : Implies the process is being created.

- Z: Implies the process is zombie ie. It has terminated.

- T: implies that the process is stopped as the parent was tracing it.

- X: The process is waiting for more primary memory.

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