India on 21st Nov became an associate member of CERN. What is CERN?

a. World’s largest nuclear and particle physics lab

b. European Organisation for Nuclear Research

c. Both of the above

d. Neither of the above

ANSWER: Both of the above


India on 21st Nov became an associate member of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, the world’s largest nuclear and physics particle lab

The agreement was signed by DAE Secretary and Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission, Sekhar Basu and CERN DG Dr. Fabiola Gianotti

In 2015, the Union Cabinet approved the proposal for India officially entering the Geneva based body following which the CERN Council accepted India has an associate member

India has observer status till Sept 2016 when CERN Council adopted the resolution upgrading its position

Three major activities in the lab- acceleration, detection and computing are areas where Indian scientists excel

An associate membership of CERN will enhance participation of young scientists and engineers in various CERN projects

Indian industries will also participate directly in CERN projects; industries can now bag contracts for specified requirement of CERN

After becoming an associate member, India also contributes certain money for research activities

Annual contribution of 11.5m Swiss Franc from Indian government to CERN involves the associate membership

Membership comes at a time when criticism within the scientific community over the delay in India accepting the membership

Pakistan was an associate member since 2014

The organisation is the world’s largest nuclear and particle physics lab where scientists and engineers have probed the fundamental structure of the Universe using sophisticated scientific instruments and advanced computing systems

CERN currently has 22 member states, 4 associate member states and observer status is given to 4 states and 3 International organisations

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